Remind yourself of this by looking deep at Hercules in this painting, let that desire for glory swell up in you.
The itch for triumph is a desire for the heights, it is the desire to conquer, an itch for victory. We itch to feel like great men, to feel the grandeur and greatness of heroism.
Unfortunately, this desire is repressed and left unexerted in the modern man. He pacifies this feeling with video games and watching sports. Here, he gets a fraction of the glory without true effort and responsibility.
No wonder football is a hallmark of the beer belly American dad. Sunday nights he gets a fraction of glory, just enough to keep him complacent.
I am no saint of this idea, watching sports is a vice of mine, but I share my antidotes since they may be the key to your vices.
So how can we come to bring triumph into our life? We must attempt the great and daring and bear their responsibilities.
Simply stated, men seek earned bliss. These are our deepest orgasms and our greatest triumphs. In both cases, we seek a buildup of tension followed by a moment of pure bliss.
When we understand that this is what we desire it becomes easier to nourish.
Firstly, look for what provides you with empty calories, what provides glory without effort? Find this, and then starve it. This will build hunger.
With our hunger, we must seek out the greatest build-ups of tension. These great build-ups precede the greatest blisses and thus our greatest triumphs.
Through pursuing this hunger for triumph, we will become great men, we will have earned our honour, our moment of bliss, but, never let your hunger be satiated.
Charles Le Brun – Triumph of Hercules – 1658-1661