
Akin to the feeling of spring, the new year brings about a feeling of rebirth.

The air is potent with it, people of all walks of life are endowed with the spirit of the ‘Phoenix’.

Many moments in your life will give you this spirit of the ‘Phoenix’.

Breakups & Breakdowns; or generally, moments that shatter the preexisting self.

These great fires are not to be squandered.

These moments gift you with the fiery passion required to burn your dead wood.

These moments gift you the spirit of the ‘Phoenix’.

The changing of years is just the time when this spirit is most prevalent in the population.

For most the old guard will persevere.

Their gay spirit of rebirth will be extinguished by the great tide of their habits.

So use this gift to its full potential; Spark a rebirth.

Take stock of that deadwood that must be burnt; Those devious murderers of potential.

This dead wood has been dragged for far too long, it is holding you down; BURN IT!

Create a monstrous, raging, engulfing fire, and step embracingly into it.

Here in the fire all the untrue shrouding shall be burnt.

Only by passing through such a fire can you reveal what lays behind the shrouding.

The you that has been shrouded by years of sloth and indolence.

This is your moment, this is your opportunity, this is your rebirth.

Let the world meet the potential that was left untapped.

~ The Fire of Rome - Hubert Robert - 1785
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