Listening to your inner greatness
Yet we don't always make the ideal choices. We can find ourselves performing actions that are completely unaligned with the person we seek to create, why is this?
There are specific, individual reasons, but broadly, the Why lies in your control of your inner competing desires.
Our brains are constantly bubbling up ideas about our wants, needs and desires. Since we cannot possibly act on all these ideas, we are forced to become selective.
This selection process needs training to align your actions to your growth (or any aim).
So how can we become better selectors?
Firstly, when a thought bubbles up practice identifying it's origin, preferably during mediations. What you are practicing is your ability to sort through these bubbling desires to find the ones that align with your aim.
Secondly, once ideas have been categorized you will realize how many ideas originate from impulse and how many arise from habit. To dismiss these ideas will require you to work on your will power.
Thirdly, In this modern world our attention spans are constantly being eroded, so we must work on improving our control over our focus. This will allow us to be less susceptible to impulses.
Lastly, without sorting, we know the actions that are good for us, we have that voice in our head that proposes the actions we sincerely know to be true. Listen to this voice, do not let your brain rationalize it's ideas away with excuses.
Follow this voice, listen attentively my dear friends, this is the voice of your inner greatness!
Nicolas Poussin - Blind Orion Searching for the Rising Sun - 1658