This is much like the Greeks or Romans with Ares/Mars. The Greeks and Romans prayed for his favour so they could harness his strength.
So what does all this history jargon mean for us?
Well, it is to show that fury/frenzy does not need to be viewed with a modern lens. In modernity fury is equated to a spasm, it is viewed as a loss of control over ourselves, which is a danger to our orderly society.
Yet we do not want to be orderly, docile, and timid cogs in the machine. Rather we seek to break norms, break the molds and become novel idols for a new way of life.
This is where fury comes in. By fury, I do not mean wild or violent anger but rather violent energy displayed, I mean the fury of a gathering storm.
We can become willingly possessed by our emotions. Our emotions are a raging fire that requires taming, taming not to be made docile, but to have its power harnessed, like a warhorse.
This is what the Nordics and some Greeks/Romans did with fury. In battle, they became possessed. Their fury swelled and consumed them. They became just a body for this emotion to pilot.
So this is what I prescribe to you. Let your anger swell to a fury, hold it, direct it, and ensure it does not cloud your focus but rather strengthens it. And remember, you play with fire, do not get burnt!
If done right your fury will make the world clear, issues will fade and you will violently attack your goals.
🖼 John Martin - The Destruction of Pompeii and Herculaneum - 1822