Follow God
From a psychological perspective, a god is that which stands atop your hierarchy of values.
It is that which you subconsciously aim to be in the image of.
And what is the devil?
The devil is the many desires who seek to pull you away from your hierarchy of values, who seek to corrode your values.
So then inside of us is a mighty war of the gods, a war of desires of passions of ambitions.
If you have not picked your 'god', a figure representing a set of values, then all of these 'gods' are competing inside of you for your throne. They all seek to be atop your value hierarchy and to rule over you.
These figures have entered you throughout your life, they may be heroes, role models, mentors, parents, or any figure that you hold in high regard.
All of these figures clash in their mighty war, with the winner being the one chosen by you through your actions.
This winner gets to govern your actions from atop your hierarchy of values.
This choice is made subconsciously by most.
Using this idea we can see the influence of Hollywood. They put 'gods' into your head through the heroes they put on screen.
Since most people will never meet someone who will outdo what Hollywood puts on screen, the 'god' of many atheists is some character they have seen on TV or in a movie.
I will not be ruled by such superficial 'gods'!
Instead, we must consciously give ourselves mighty 'gods'. So, learn deeply of those who you admire so they may serve as your 'god', as your ideal.
Once we have given ourselves our 'god', we must not fall prey to our devils.
Once we set ourselves an ideal that we aim to be in the image of, we must not let the desires who seek to crush such ambitions prosper.
So then I say; Steadfastly FOLLOW GOD
Joshua Commanding the Sun to Stand Still upon Gibeon – John Martin - 1816