Faith as an Atheist

Modern atheists are repulsed by the words religion and faith, this attitude can be equated to the snob looking at the beggar. This attitude is completely counterproductive.

As an atheist faith, as well as religious texts, hold much value, and completely disregarding them is an error.

To explain this, let's describe a god as an atheist.

Within societies at any given point in history, there is a hierarchy of values, the person atop this hierarchy is the representation of these values, this is the king. So if you merged thousands of years of kings into one representative figure you would create the king of kings, you would create a god.

So an atheist should look at a god as the figure representing thousands of years of human value judgments and then the associated religious text as the stories explaining the value judgments.

So secondly, what is faith?

Faith is complete trust that the route in which you walk will bring you to your destination. This provides those with faith the ability to be unwavering, is that not desirable?

Then the question facing atheists is not whether they should have faith but rather what to have faith in.

To solve this let's look at what religious people do. They sharpen their wisdom with an ancient text, in prayer, they spill their heart's innermost questions and desires, then, with faith in their ancient wisdom they answer these questions and pursue these desires.

All of this is doable for an atheist. Read ancient wisdom, write about what disrupts you, and have faith that your inner ideal will lead you to success.

Have faith in your inner ideal like a god, for this is all a religious person does, their inner ideal is just painted by a different book.

Michelangelo - The Creation of Adam - 1512
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