Is a world where; The devil reigns,
Devils live in man's heart; Alongside the gods.
Most only hear one; The devils in their heart.
You can hear them now; Begging you stay glued to the screen,
They want your destruction; Dragging you to hell,
Comforting your indolence; While you become feeble,
Comforting your existence; While you lay in filth,
Comforting your sloth; While you degenerate.
But the gods have a voice to; They call you off this screen,
They want your creation; To raise you to heaven's heights,
Shaming your indolence; For they seek your strength,
Shaming your existence; For they see your potential,
Shaming your sloth; For they want you virtuous.
These devils and gods; Come from no religion,
They are your highest self; And that which seeks to undermine it,
Your greatest good; Your greatest evil,
Both live in your heart; Never forget this.
So listen; Open your ears to your heart,
Sort your desires; Are they godly or devilish,
Is it calling for the heights; Or convincing the pit is good,
Become men of god; Men that are their highest self.
A world convinced; There are no gods,
Is a world where; There are no godlike men,
Rigorously become your highest self; Become godlike,
So then the many; May come to believe in gods.
Unknown Artist