Build or Destroy

Order tends to gradually decline into chaos, only energy holds it together, this is the law of entropy.

We are in constant warfare with entropy. This war includes you and all the order you wish to erect in this world.

Anything that you seek to create, abides by entropy. Creating is merging pieces of chaos to make order, but order must be reinforced for else chaos will reclaim it.

The choices now become apparent, you either build or destroy. You either enact order or you let it descend into chaos. This is the choice of action or inaction with one's life.

Some view inaction as harmless, entropy says otherwise. By sitting still like a rock, you go against your nature, and become an accomplice to destruction. You either build or destroy.

The builder relentlessly acts, aligning himself. Being one with who he is, his task is clear and simple, he must create order inside of a chaotic world. Within his created order, he feels at home and one with himself, why is this? For he is order and finds peace in the familiar.

This builder is never satisfied, why? Because of entropy. It is law that he lives on wrestling endlessly with chaos so to maintain order.

Life is at war with entropy, you are a part of it. Do you join your birth war and build, or do you go against your nature and destroy?

You are life. You are order. You are the builder. You are the creator. Now act as such.

Hubert Robert - Studio of an Antiquities Restorer in Rome - 1783
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