The bond of Brotherhood is not akin to the friends you hang out with, it is much richer than that.
The bond of Brotherhood is the mutual understanding between two men that each will be there when called up, that they can rely upon each other.
These bonds are founded on mutual respect for each other as men. Once two men respect each other, they can become brothers who will stand with each other.
It is impossible to get anywhere as a lone wolf, we need other men, we need their manhood to shine light upon our failings.
Having a band of brothers is crucial for growth as well as accountability.
Modernity makes it that manhood is not forced upon us, as young men we have no external forces or struggles that show us our inadequacies, that prompt us to become better, to become men.
With nothing exterior to prompt the quenching of our will that brings about manhood, we must actively seek it out.
This trading of luxury for dirt is where most boys fail, most expect to be men while having posh hands.
This is why the accountability of Brotherhood is crucial. Within a circle of men you are forced to uphold yourself or else you lose the respect of the men around you, a shame too great to bear.
Brotherhood is the externality to force manhood upon you.
So seek out men, find them, earn their respect, band together, hold each other accountable and grow together. This is how we build back better, through men forging men.
Rinat Voligamsi - Twilight. Big Dipper - 2010