
She rages; A wild fury
Untamed; Such fiery passion
In my chest; Great fires rage
Has your chest; Known such burning
It must have; At least once
Rotten betrayal; Sparks such fire in all
A pure rage; Stealing stillness of the soul
Such is my rage; Such is my fury.

Was not another; Who betrayed me
Was my own soul; Who cowered
Facing its potential; Turned timid
Hearing the heights; Acted deaf
An ultimate betrayal; A silent betrayal.

Now I am surrounded; By those I call loved
Outstretching helping hands; With buckling knees
Love adorned hearts; For the one not true to his
Giving their hand; But they need mine
Needed my potential; But I betrayed them
Had not the strength; To carry their stones
Great & heavy stones; Built for broader shoulders
Never again shall I cower; Never again shall I waver.

It was I; The betrayer
Of all I love; Of all I am
Cowardice tempts with comfort; But it’s stolen
From those called loved; From your future peace
Let this not be your story; Weakness then shame
Unearth your crowning strength; A genuine capacity to fend for the feeble
Betray your hero; And you will awake a villain.

~ The Last Days of Pompeii - James Hamilton - 1864
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